Monday, July 23, 2007

Say Cheese

Well, faithful blog readers, thanks for checking back in. We have been remiss about updates this summer as we are so busy as expected, but I wanted to take this time to post a bunch of photos. Not much to report - summer is here, Liam is growing and growing and becoming more of a little person each day. His blonde hair is growing in, he babbles like crazy and loves to giggle and laugh. He is healthy and we are thankful for that most of all. We hope you are well and enjoying summer. Onto the photos! (Captions are under each photo. Click on the photo to see it larger or for printing.)

This photo of Liam and very big brother Caleb is indicative of their bond - right from the start. While Caleb was here and not in the same room as Liam, Liam would look and look and look for him. Brothers indeed. Photo by Savannah.

Hmmm... I wonder if we're related? Photo by Caleb.

We had a super fun weekend in Astoria with our friends Angela and Pete. Angela is our dearest friend and was a great support during Liam's birth. She makes the world more beautiful with plant design and feng shui. Pete is a new-found friend we are thrilled to know. He is a talented musician, plant person, general instigator of chaos, and maker of miracle 40-foot baskets while playing HORSE. Photo by Bill.

Liam in fine orange hat form while in Astoria. On July 21, he was four months old. Photo by Bill.

Too low on the hat, dad! Too low!!

Most teen boys want to keep their mom at a distance as the transistion to being a man gets rolling. Not Caleb. His great love for Savannah and his communication skills are quite amazing. It was a great day at the beach. Photo by Bill.

Not much to say here from me. Choose your own 1,000 words. Photo by Bill.

Mr. Caleb has taken an interest in photography and has quite an eye. I only gave him a few pointers, and I was elated to see him take most of his photos in Black and White, and take good ones as well. The mark of an emerging master! Photo by Caleb.

Our sweet Savannah as photographed by her son, Caleb.

Aye, there be some fine eyelashes, just like daddy has. I'll teach you to use those later, my boy..... Photo by Bill

Ah, the favorite spot for Liam. Baby packs are great (thanks, Native Americans!). He's outgrown this one and is into a bigger one now. Photo by Bill.

Steps to get Liam to sleep: 1) Insert Liam into pack. 2) Begin walking.

A fine color photo by Caleb of Doc and Mary Alice's constant companion, Uncle Joey.

Caleb walks the beach with the Astoria Bridge in the background. Photo by Bill.

"Buy 500 shares of Google, cancel my meeting with Bono and warm up that bottle, pronto!" Photo by Savannah.

A little peck for my little guy. Photo by Caleb.

We'll post more photos soon! Love,

Bill, Savannah, Liam and Ella the dog...


Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures! I was so impressed meeting your son at the Picnic...and with your note to him on his birthday...I'd say you are blessed beyond words! I love the baby/hat pictures! Too funny. :)

Amy aka AmyMay

Leah Perlingieri said...

what a beautiful, talented, and inspiring family--all of those photos are brimming wth LOVE!

thanks for sharing....


Hedy said...

Savannah, these are absolutely beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing them with us!


Lee said...

Aww thank you for sharing these wonderful photos!!!